Implants 101

There are two main sources of blockages in the chakra system:  trauma blockages and implants.  Trauma blockage are formed when we experience trauma and this trauma gets stuck inside of your energetic body.  This stuck trauma can cause us to relive the trauma and can cause very painful experiences for us.  

Implants are a form of dark technology that can be ancestral in nature or can also be placed into us from our Higher Self to expedite spiritual lessons.  This dark technology can cause distortions in your thinking or can cause energy drainage.  

 Common ancestral implants include the following:

Major J-Seals & Unnatural Seals & Implants 

Zeta Seals

Death Seals

Metatronic Implants

Common implants that are placed by the Higher Self for expedited spiritual growth:

Demiurgic Implants 

Holographic Implants

Matrix Machinery 

Ancestral implants and trauma blockages are removed through the Lightbody Activation process.  These major implants are cleared and allow the individual to experience deeper levels of peace & presence in their daily life.  

Non-ancestral implants such as Demiurgic Implants or Matrix Machinery are removed through the advanced Enlightenment process.  Once you fully liberate from the matrix and activate your full Christ Consciousness, you release all of the remaining implants in your system.   This state can be experienced at the final stages of the Enlightenment process.